How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle during an outbreak?

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How to minimize the risk of coronavirus infection and mitigate the possible course of the disease? It is enough to take care of a healthy lifestyle, by which we mean, among other things, a properly composed diet. Below we present some practical tips on this subject.

Daily diet and the coronavirus

Currently, there are no official recommendations that indicate a specific diet or food products that can prevent coronavirus infection. However, it is worth realizing that in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, proper nutrition plays a significant role. By providing our bodies with the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients, we guarantee the proper functioning of the immune system. The result – a much greater chance of protection against coronavirus infection. Even if an infection occurs, there is a good chance that the disease will have a mild course.

So what should a proper diet of this type look like? The key is to have the right number of calories to suit your body’s needs. The calorie count should not be too high or too low. Nevertheless, it is important to eat regular meals at approximately 3-4 hour intervals. The last meal should be taken about 2-3 hours before going to bed. It is advisable to include in the menu fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds and cereal products.

Healthy food means healthy life! ? ??? ?

Remember ‼️

✅ eat small meals at regular intervals, every 3-4….

Published by Farmer ‘s Market Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Hygiene while preparing meals

It is not only important what we eat, but also how we prepare each meal. It is essential here to maintain hygiene and attention to the quality of the chosen food products. Before you start cooking, wash your hands thoroughly, as well as the countertop, utensils and equipment you will be using. It is also necessary to clean meat, fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables.

The presence of coronavirus can be effectively eliminated by choosing to process foods at high temperatures. Individual products can be purchased already frozen or you can do it yourself. When choosing them, make sure that they are not rotten or spoiled. It is also a good idea to check the date of minimum durability or best-before date.

The influence of diet on immunity

How is a properly composed diet able to help us increase immunity? It is extremely important that it contains products rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, B vitamins, iron, zinc, selenium, Omega-3 acids and antioxidants. They play a key role in the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin A can be found in spinach, kale and pumpkin, among others. Valuable sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, apples, parsley, broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts. Vitamin D is found in fish and eggs, and vitamin E in avocados, nuts and pulses. Zinc can be found in beef, pork, oysters and egg yolks, and selenium in seafood, offal, Brazil nuts and onions. As for omega-3 fatty acids, the best sources are vegetable oils, fish, nuts and avocados. To reduce unnecessary trips out of the house, it’s a good idea to go on a larger shopping trip once a week.

Coronavirus and a healthy lifestyle

Positive impact on the functioning of the immune system during a pandemic has not only our diet. An equally important role is played by a broadly defined lifestyle. This term is defined, inter alia, physical activity. At home we can successfully perform a number of exercises that will keep our body in good shape.

Equally important is maintaining good sleep hygiene, the right amount of rest and giving up addictions such as smoking or drinking alcohol. To effectively reduce stress levels, it is worthwhile to devote ourselves to activities such as reading books, cooking or watching movies.

Featured Image: Freepik

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