Nut pastes – why should you have them in your healthy diet?

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The effectiveness of any diet depends not only on the optimal proportions of particular nutrients, but also on the quality of the products from which they are obtained. It is usually most difficult to find natural, wholesome sources of protein and fats, while both these organic compounds can be found in nuts, which are very popular in Polish cuisine. Nut butters and pastes made on their basis are an excellent addition to everyday meals. According to nutritionists, they can also help burn fat!

Peanut butter – composition and brief characteristics

Peanut butters and pastes can be made from different kinds of nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, cashews), but the cheapest peanuts, which are roasted at a very high temperature (about 200 ° C), are used most often in the production process. The creaminess is provided by the oil that is released during the grinding and mixing of the nuts. A high-quality product should therefore not contain any other additives such as sugar or palm fat.

Natural nut pastes, available at reputable health food stores such as a rich source of magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary fiber. However, it should be borne in mind that 100 g of peanut butter contains about 600 calories, so experts in healthy eating recommend consuming this delicacy in reasonable portions, preferably several kilograms.

What and when to eat nut pastes and nut butters?

In the case of nut pastes, the universal principle is to eat fats with carbohydrates and vegetables. Nut butters can be used as a spread on bread (preferably dark, wholemeal bread), as an addition to oatmeal or porridge, in pancakes or even as a topping for potatoes and vegetables if you like unusual flavour combinations.

Dessert sets offer even greater possibilities – here the only limitation is our creativity and calorie calculator. To avoid a calorie surplus, even a portion of diet ice cream, cookies or shakes with peanut butter should be slightly reduced. A safer option is, of course, fresh fruit, which goes perfectly with natural pastes.

Nutritionists recommend that these delicacies be eaten by people who are not on classic high-fat diets in the morning or between the main meals of the day. For athletes – both professional and amateur – a meal enriched with peanut paste can serve as a natural energy bomb before intensive training (especially running or cardio). The former helps to maintain high performance and increases energy production, the latter reduces the feeling of fatigue and improves mood.

Peanut paste as an ally in the fight against excess weight

Peanut butters and spreads are becoming more and more popular because of their slimming properties. They contain quite a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and metabolism and, in turn, accelerate the fat burning process.

Although many people continue to question the health-promoting properties of peanut paste, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health have now dispelled their doubts. Their study clearly shows that women who consumed peanut butter two or more times a week lost unwanted weight much faster than those who completely eliminated the product from their diet.

Featured photo: Freepik

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