How not to get fat on Easter, or simple and enjoyable activities that will help you stay in shape on Easter

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It is natural that during various celebrations our workout routine is somewhat disrupted and therefore undergoes some modifications. This doesn’t mean, however, that during the upcoming Easter holidays you should completely abandon any physical activity. It doesn’t take much to get a burst of energy and enthusiasm for activity even on your days off, without breaking a sweat on your workouts. What exercises are good for Easter?

Easter is definitely one of those times of the year when it’s easy to gain a few extra pounds, but it’s not a threat if you remember to do at least a minimal amount of exercise. Physical effort chosen by us does not have to be a nightmare at all and with good planning it will not take too much of our precious time. Since we are keen on training every day, let’s not slack off on our days off either!

Outside the windows spring has already made its appearance in almost full glory, and with its beginning various outdoor activities come back into favor. We have here an extremely wide range of possibilities: a short jog, going out for a bike ride or rollerblading, or even a simple walk in a nice company – these are just some of the many solutions which will benefit both our shape and well-being. Combining the pleasant with the useful is the key to success, so just choose your favourite form of exercise in nature.

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Published by Studio Figura Warsaw Wawer Friday, April 2, 2021

If you prefer a more classic workout in the comfort of your home, you also have a lot of room for manoeuvre. As a break from festive laziness especially perfect are those sets of exercises in which we will work with our own body weight, for example gaining more and more popularity among amateur athletes and calisthenics tabata and calisthenics. It’s very simple – just get up in the morning, spend no more than 30 minutes for a short workout in your favorite version, and then go back to celebrating with your loved ones!

Featured photo: Freepik

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