Marching in place – a home way to burn calories for beginners and pregnant women

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The beginning of adventure with regular exercises is not always easy. Some workouts are too demanding for us, while others do not bring the desired results. So if you are looking for an activity which will be effective but will not overload your body at the same time, you should definitely try marching on the spot!

Walking workout, thanks to its specificity, is a great alternative for beginners and pregnant women. The whole thing is possible to do at home and, what is important, it will not put too much strain on our joints and other body parts. During this type of exercise we are constantly walking, which allows us to burn a considerable number of calories.

Additionally, walking in place does not have to be boring at all! Training can be divided into intervals, which include a variety of activities, from simple walking to more advanced exercises, such as marching with a trench or quiet jogging in place. Remember to keep the pace at all times. Pregnant women and young moms will appreciate the fact that the whole exercise will take no more than 20 minutes.

If the prospect of getting in shape by using different variants of marching in place has started to appeal to us, it is worth visiting a channel on YouTube run by a popular trainer, Johanna Sophia. There we can find entire sets of correctly performed exercises, from which we can draw the necessary knowledge – after all, proper technique is the key to success!

Featured Image: Freepik

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