Tag - Johanna Sophia

Marching in place – a home way to burn calories for beginners and pregnant women
Marching in place – a home way to burn calories for beginners and pregnant women

The beginning of adventure with regular exercises is not always easy. Some workouts are too demanding for us, while others […]

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Does fatigue keep you up at night? Check how to remedy it!
Does fatigue keep you up at night? Check how to remedy it!
Our life often moves at such a dizzying pace that at some point we can no longer keep up with […]
Pregnancy exercise ball – what size to choose?
Pregnancy exercise ball – what size to choose?
Thinking about buying a pregnancy exercise ball? Find out what to look for and how to properly size for your height!
Trekking – the perfect complement to your daily workout
Trekking – the perfect complement to your daily workout
Physical activity outdoors is great for our fitness and well-being