Fitness accessories perfect for pregnant women

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The body of a pregnant woman undergoes many changes during the 9 months. Physical activity during this period can positively affect the well-being and physical hardships during childbirth.

Physical activity during pregnancy

The period of 9 months of carrying a small human being in the womb is a time when not only the baby’s body is developing, but also the woman’s body. During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges, and the joints and spine are subjected to great strain. Physical activity during pregnancy can help reduce any discomfort and prepare the body for the birth.

It is commonly accepted that women who did not exercise before pregnancy should not start physical activity during pregnancy. According to fitness trainers, this is a false myth. Exercise, even when started during pregnancy, makes childbirth easier, shorter, and less painful, and can help with recovery in the postpartum period.

The purpose of training for pregnant women is not to model their figure and build muscle mass, but to improve the condition and efficiency of the body. Fitness accessories are helpful in the implementation of such activities.


This device is perfect for a home gym. Training on stepper shapes buttocks, strengthens calf muscles, thighs and belly. The additional advantage of exercising on this equipment is the improvement of circulation.

Pregnant women will especially like it because it resembles movements similar to going up and down the stairs, which is an element of everyday exercise for most people. The exercises improve efficiency and increase the strength of the muscles that will be used during childbirth.

Exercise mat

A mat is a piece of equipment that comes in handy for many home workouts. Pregnant women may find mat exercises, such as yoga and meditation, particularly beneficial. Some of the postures are thought to be particularly helpful in inducing labor.

In addition, both yoga and meditation are good for your mood, calm your thoughts and allow you to relax and relieve back pain. On the Internet, you can find many interesting recordings that present workouts adapted to the capabilities of pregnant women.


Special belts and tapes allow you to implement training with your own body weight. TRX helps to strengthen muscles and prepare them for the effort of childbirth. The equipment can be freely adjusted, which allows you to individually adjust the load during training. The straps are one of the essential pieces of equipment in fitness rooms for classes for pregnant women, but they will work just as well in a home environment.

Gym ball

Body Ball is one of the most popular fitness accessories for pregnant women. Exercises performed on the ball strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, as well as affect the correct position of the pelvis and the proper work of the pelvic floor muscles. The gym ball is also great for relaxation and meditation exercises and helps relieve a sore back.

The sizes of balls vary, some are designed for seated use and others can replace dumbbells. Balls are also often found in hospital gynecology wards. Jumping on the ball in advanced pregnancy accelerates the dilation of the cervix and shortens the time of delivery. By exercising on the ball already during pregnancy, a woman will find it easier to use it for a while before giving birth.


Cotton roller belongs to the equipment used during yoga. However, according to the recommendations of professional fitness trainers who conduct sports classes for women, the bolster can also be useful during the physical activity of pregnant women. The accessory allows you to freely perform stretching and muscle relaxation exercises.

An additional advantage is its use during sleep. Bolster works great as a pillow or support for the spine at night. Some pregnant women also use it to help position their belly in bed, which is a difficult challenge every night in advanced pregnancy.

Featured photo: Freepik

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