Does fatigue keep you up at night? Check how to remedy it!

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Our life often moves at such a dizzying pace that at some point we can no longer keep up with it. Every day we are exposed to excessive duties and stress, which can have a negative impact not only on our health, but also on our well-being. So let’s take a look at a few ways to make daily fatigue and the ever-present frazzle a thing of the past!

“What you have to do tomorrow, do today” – this adage is probably known to everyone. However, some people like to twist this maxim and postpone urgent tasks for another day. Procrastination is a recipe for increased anxiety and frustration. Fatigue is the most likely source of procrastination, so it’s important to take time out physically and mentally during the day, despite your responsibilities. This is why it’s important to take time out during the day to relax, both physically and mentally, despite our responsibilities.

Physical activity – a remedy for fatigue?

The best way to relax and reset after a hard day is, however grotesque it may sound, regular exercise. Practicing sport in all its forms has many benefits – from health to psychological. It is a myth that we need to spend more than an hour of our time to perform a worthwhile workout. According to research, it is enough that we spend just 20 minutes a day on exercises, and after just a few weeks we will notice a significant difference in many aspects of our life.

Sport is much more than just improving our fitness and figure. It also helps to develop a strong will, and by setting new goals it will allow us to introduce a number of other desirable changes, such as a rational approach to diet or taking care of a good quality of sleep. As far as the form of exercise is concerned, it depends only on us. Team games, going to a swimming pool, cycling, running or doing exercises at home are all great options.

It’s important to keep a balance

In the context of regular trainings, and consequently acquiring new energy deposits, it is also extremely important to properly hydrate the body. We lose around 2 liters of water per day, so remember to replenish at least the same amount. The difference will be noticeable almost immediately, and will manifest itself in a much more efficient work of the brain, a better mood and a higher level of energy. After all, our body consists mainly of water, so let’s make sure that its level remains appropriate.

It turns out that our well-being also depends to a large extent on our body posture. Therefore, it is worth walking and sitting upright – scientific research shows that it increases the level of testosterone and cortisol, the so-called stress hormone. People with correct posture are usually characterized by high self-confidence and exceptional commitment to their duties, so their productivity is incomparably higher. Regular stretching will undoubtedly help in achieving an upright posture, which will also improve our overall mood.

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Published by KRIOSONIK Medical and Rehabilitation Center Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Light and laughter will speed up recovery

There are, of course, many more ways useful in the fight against fatigue, and among them we can find a cold shower, staying in well-lit rooms, frequent laughter as often as possible, or especially important from the point of view of mental well-being, meetings with other people.

Exhaustion after school or work is something absolutely natural, but at the same time it can have a disastrous impact on the quality of many aspects of our everyday life. Therefore, let’s not postpone it for tomorrow and start applying some simple methods today – their results will defend themselves!

Featured Image: Freepik

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