Tag - zumba 2021 dance

Merengue – a simple routine for beginner Zumba enthusiasts
Merengue – a simple routine for beginner Zumba enthusiasts

Learn some basic dance steps, create your own choreography and start your Zumba adventure!

Salsation – what is hot dance fitness and how does it differ from Zumba?
Salsation – what is hot dance fitness and how does it differ from Zumba?

The dynamic salsation workout appeals to many women, which is why many fitness clubs offer several interesting options. Check what the latest trend is and how it differs from zumba!

Zumba music – find out the best songs for your dance workout!
Zumba music – find out the best songs for your dance workout!

The perfect music for zumba is upbeat, fun, energetic, Spanish-language songs. Check out which songs are the most popular!

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