Tag - purification of the body

Alkaline diet – a way to quickly deacidify your body
Alkaline diet – a way to quickly deacidify your body

Want to rebalance your body? Try the alkaline diet and be surprised by the effects of this simple diet!

Shambala detox – a natural way to cleanse the body practiced by celebrities
Shambala detox – a natural way to cleanse the body practiced by celebrities

The Shambala Detox is a 6-day long hunger strike to cleanse the body of toxins. It is conducted under the supervision of specialists. See its effects!

Souping a new way to cleanse your body naturally
Souping a new way to cleanse your body naturally

The juice detox is a thing of the past! The time has come for a diet consisting of healthy and wholesome soups. Discover the latest diet trend.

Natural concoctions that will cleanse your body of toxins
Natural concoctions that will cleanse your body of toxins

Feeling better and having a healthier body? Get rid of toxins from your body and you’ll see improvements quickly!

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