Grain detox – an effective treatment to cleanse the body in 10 days

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The diet developed by renowned American cardiologist and healthy lifestyle promoter Dr. William Davis is another simple way to change your eating habits and lose a few pounds.  

Body detox 

The main premise of Dr. William Davis’ diet is the complete exclusion of grain products from the daily diet. According to the American doctor, a grain detox lasting 10 days can have many positive effects on the proper work of the entire body, and also help in rapid and effective weight loss. The advantages of a grain detox include improved digestive function, lowered blood sugar levels, reduced inflammation in the body, improved concentration, lowered blood pressure, reduced calorie content of meals, and thus faster weight loss or improved skin appearance. In the publication describing the grain detox you can find valuable information on the harmfulness of grain products consumed in large quantities, their healthy substitutes and how to maintain the effects of the detox after its completion. 

The main principles of the detox diet 

According to the recommendations of the American specialist, people who decide to go on a 10-day detox, do not need to prepare in advance, for example, gradually reducing grain products. Moreover, the detox is safe for the health and proper functioning of the body, so it can be used by both healthy people and those struggling with various ailments or diseases, such as gluten intolerance, diabetes or intestinal disorders. Detox is designed to cleanse the body of harmful substances, reduce the caloric content of the daily diet and adapt the body to the minimal need of grain products. What is interesting, detox assumes the exclusion from meals of products prepared on the basis of gluten cereals, such as wheat, rye, spelt or barley, as well as others, such as oats, buckwheat, amaranth, corn or rice. During the detox it is necessary to completely exclude products prepared on their basis, including bread, cereals, cakes, groats, pasta or flour.

What to eat during the detox? 

It may seem that excluding grain products from the daily diet is associated with a big problem in creating a menu. But this is a misconception, because planning meals without the use of cereals is quite simple and does not require much attention. The biggest problem may arise in the case of breakfast. It’s usually cereal or bread that works best first thing in the morning. You can replace them with egg omelets with vegetables, a nutritious smoothie or fresh fruit with natural yogurt. In the case of dinners the matter is much easier. You should exclude pasta and rice from your diet, so there is a mass of other supplements, which will be a great source of fiber and protein. Dinner is the perfect time for a light salad with salmon or chicken, fruit mousse with your favorite additions or cream soup based on seasonal vegetables. The author of the grain detox also provides numerous recipes that exclude grain products, which can be especially useful for people who permanently decide to reduce their grain intake. 

main photo: Askew

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