Crossfit at home without equipment: 7 WODs for the week

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Daily workout tasks help you stay fit and develop crossfit habits. What exercises are worth practicing in a 7-day at-home class system?

WODs with push-ups

The first group of exercises that you can do on your own at home without using any equipment are traditional push-ups. During crossfit training, the key issue is the number of repetitions. Instructors recommend exercises up to the so-called muscle denial, which is the maximum capacity of the athlete’s body. For WODs with push-ups, it is recommended to conduct the exercises in series, which are separated by about a minute break. Series of more than 20 push-ups should be regularly reduced by two repetitions, while the system of less than 20 exercises can be reduced by one push-up with each series

WODs with squats

A similar system is used when performing squats. Each series should be systematically shortened. To add variety to your workout, you can mix WODs with squats and push-ups so that you alternate between the scheduled exercises. In this type of system, the starting number of repetitions can be significantly increased and decreased not by 2, but even by 5 repetitions. During training, remember to decrease the number of repetitions within a specific repetition, not just the next series

WODs with triceps

Another form of exercise that will be perfect for your home workout is the triceps. This simple exercise, which involves the muscles of the legs and spine, helps build a sense of balance, makes the muscle tissue more flexible, and has a positive effect on the correct posture of the whole body. You can perform the exercises in several series, decreasing their frequency after each minute of break

Abdominal WODs

This classic exercise that develops abdominal muscles and strengthens the spine is an ideal part of the daily crossfit training plan. The number of repetitions depends on the ability and endurance of the athlete, but it is estimated that the optimal number to start the first series is about 40 abdominals. As a way to add variety to the workout and incorporate the oblique abdominal muscles into the workout, you can perform more advanced variations of it, including inverted, oblique or with the legs elevated

WODs with a plank

You can also incorporate the popular plank into your daily home workout plan. The plank, which develops muscular endurance, is a good exercise for the muscles of the whole body, improving motor coordination and balance, as well as affecting the correct alignment of the spine. Similar to the previous exercises, plank should be performed in split series with 1 minute interval. Compared to other examples, the plank should only be performed for 60 seconds per series

WODs with planks

One of the equally popular forms of daily crossfit workout is the spinning spikes. This simple exercise that develops the body’s motor coordination can be performed in several series separated by one minute of rest. Jump squats are one of the exercises that do not strain the muscles so intensively, so the number of repetitions can be much higher than in the case of abdominals or squats

WODs with burpees

This term refers to a quick fall-back, an exercise that relies on an athlete’s agility. To increase the intensity of the workout, burpees are performed at a specific time rather than within a set number of repetitions. The optimal time to complete the exercise is about 30 seconds, during which the athlete performs the entire sequence as quickly as possible.

Main photo: Big Dodzy/

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