The most interesting gadgets for a physically active woman

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A sports bag, a multifunctional watch or a water bottle – you can do without these gadgets, but they significantly increase the comfort of your workout and make it more enjoyable!

Gadgets for sport lovers – do you really have to have them?

For many people, sports accessories are like a cool lemonade on a hot day. You can apparently do without it and quench your thirst with a sip of spring water, but the unique taste makes you feel better. However, if you have a limited budget and you want to start your adventure with physical activity, under no circumstances should you postpone your training, just because you lack a professional sports bag or a watch, which will measure various parameters. Start exercising and in time you will complete all the accessories that will make you love exercising even more!

Always have water on hand

Whether your workout schedule includes cardio, intervals, or strength training, make sure you stay hydrated. Water is essential. Without it you will quickly dehydrate your body and this will not only make you feel worse but it will also make your training session less efficient. An interesting solution is a bidon, which you can always fill up with your favorite concoction. It doesn’t matter if you’re going for a bike ride, practicing yoga at home, or are at the gym. Let the handy bottle always be with you.

There is also a proposition for people, who value environmental protection and at the same time like the taste of water itself. A filtering bottle will make sure that you have access to drinking water wherever you go! The cost of buying a bottle or a bottle with a filtering insert oscillates within the range of several dozen PLN. This is a relatively small expense, and what a benefit to the environment!

Keep everything under control

It’s time for a suggestion for people who like statistics and meticulously complete tables after each workout. Do you want to know your heart rate during the workout to adjust the intensity of the effort to your capabilities? Invest in a heart rate monitor. Browse through the offer of sports stores, and it is possible that you will find an attractive promotion. Prices of such devices start from about a hundred zlotys.

Do you want more extensive measurements? Do you like to know exactly how many kilometers you ran during your last run? What was the sum total of the approaches on the recently walked mountain trail? Invest in a professional sports watch equipped with GPS. However, this is a much bigger expense. Models with basic functions cost about PLN 500. For a high-end watch, which has such functions as sleep performance measurement or recognition of multiple sports disciplines, you will pay even several thousand zlotys.

Have access to your phone

This is an alternative to a sports watch. If you do not want to spend half your salary on a watch, just to measure the kilometers you run, you can use the application on your phone. However, to have constant access to your phone, you will need a comfortable case that you can put on your hand. Holding the phone in your hand during a run significantly reduces the comfort of a workout. Opt for comfort! When buying a phone case, make sure it has an adjustable strap. This will help you find the perfect fit for your wrist.

Have a stash for small items

The kidney is not only one of the most important organs in the human body. It is also a small pouch worn on a belt or hips, where you can hide necessary things. Documents, phone, change, keys – everything you need to have with you. The pouch will be perfect during a bike ride or a short run.

@patrycjaslaby_ Beautiful in shape for a medal ?as befits a champion ???
@L’JM leather pouch

Published by Mi&bags Wednesday March 25, 2020

If you are planning a long distance run or want to be able to pack a bit more stuff, then invest in a running vest or a small sports backpack. These are gadgets without which training is possible, but with them it becomes much more enjoyable! Show this guide to your family and friends, and they will never again have the dilemma of what to buy you for your birthday or under the Christmas tree!

Featured Image: Freepik

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