Tag - women’s strength training

How to work on muscle mass at home?
How to work on muscle mass at home?

You can also do muscle exercises at home. See how to make them as effective as possible.

How to properly perform the plank, or the popular “plank”?
How to properly perform the plank, or the popular “plank”?

Enhance your daily workout with a plank, get a flat stomach, and learn how to properly perform the popular “plank”!

Take care of a strong back and stomach with Halle Berry!
Take care of a strong back and stomach with Halle Berry!

Avoiding routine is one of the cornerstones of effective yet enjoyable workout sessions. Halle Berry knows it, and she is […]

Exercise at home – without equipment and without spending money!
Exercise at home – without equipment and without spending money!

Sport is extremely important in everyday life, but not everyone knows how to get into it properly. Find out what exercises you can do and what direction you can take to increase your fitness, muscle mass or just to feel better!

What’s too much is… healthy! Research confirms that it is impossible to overdo exercise
What’s too much is… healthy! Research confirms that it is impossible to overdo exercise

Researchers from the journal PLOS Medicine have proven that there is no upper limit to safe exercise. The results of […]

Intense interval training that is gaining in popularity. What is the phenomenon of tabata?
Intense interval training that is gaining in popularity. What is the phenomenon of tabata?

Better efficiency of the body and intensive burning of fat tissue? You can count on spectacular results with tabata!

Women’s strength training – facts and myths
Women’s strength training – facts and myths

Strength training helps improve fitness and shapes muscles. We present the facts and debunk the most popular myths about exercising in the gym.

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Four minutes of intense training is enough to achieve the desired results! Provided, of course, that you choose the right set of exercises.
How to work on muscle mass at home?
How to work on muscle mass at home?
You can also do muscle exercises at home. See how to make them as effective as possible.
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