Karate is a martial art, which can be successfully practiced also by women. Check, why it is worth to try your strength on the mat!
Karate is a martial art, which can be successfully practiced also by women. Check, why it is worth to try your strength on the mat!
Get back in shape after a C-section in a safe and smart way!
Do you want to explore the beautiful underwater world? Amazing attractions are waiting for you just under the water surface! Discover snorkelling – a unique sport perfect for women!
Not only oatmeal, vegetables, nuts, nuts and lean meat support the diet of an active woman. Here are the products which should not be missing from your healthy menu!
Tai Chi and yoga – two different activities that affect the body and fitness in a similar way. What are […]
The beautiful weather we have been enjoying in recent weeks is definitely conducive to spending time outdoors. It is even […]
Impressive acrobatic routines require years of preparation and full control of the body. Check out what artistic gymnastics is all about!
Spring is the best time of year to start exercising. But what to do when you lack the will to […]
Swap your winter shoes for rollerblades and start training outdoors!
Do you dream of learning the secrets of ballet, but think that such classes are organized only for children? Check out what you can gain by taking a ballet course for adults!