Eat fat and burn fat – the basics of the ketogenic diet

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When we think of a diet, we usually imagine a restrictive eating plan with lots of vegetables, fruits and little cooked meat. Ketogenic diet (or ketogenic diet, fat diet, keto) is a kind of raisin among diets, and its main idea is to give up most products rich in carbohydrates in favor of those rich in fat.

What is ketosis and how does it work?

The main task of the ketogenic diet is to put the body into a state of ketosis. This is done by completely excluding foods rich in glucose, or sugars, from the menu. In a state of ketosis, the body stops obtaining energy from sugars, looking for it in another available source – fat.

Inducing ketosis and ketoadaptation

One of the most difficult periods of the ketosis diet is not the diet itself and the restrictions, but ketoadaptation, i.e. the adaptation of the body to new conditions, i.e. to obtaining energy from fats, instead of carbohydrates as before. The ketosis itself is of course induced by a fat diet. Entering the state of ketosis takes about 30 days, and this period may be associated with various ailments, which include.

– constipation,
– abdominal pain,
– headaches,
– diarrhea,
– irritability,
– sleep disturbances.

During this turbulent period, the diet should be rich in such products as eggs, fatty fish, beef, pork, sauerkraut, pickles, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, lard, butter, olive oil, avocado, coconut oil. After undergoing ketoadaptation, nuts and dairy such as cottage cheese, blue cheese, mozzarella cheese, almonds, walnuts, fatty milks and creams can be introduced into the diet.

It is very important to remember to take proper supplementation while on the ketogenic diet. Substances that require supplementation include:

– sodium,
– calcium,
– magnesium,
– potassium,
– B vitamins,
– vitamins A, D, E, K
– omega-3 fatty acids.

You should regularly replenish fluid deficiencies and drink adequate amounts of water. This is one of the factors that is responsible for well-being and physical performance, especially during the ketoadaptation period.

Advantages and indications for the ketodiet

One of the most important advantages of the ketogenic diet is the rapid loss of body fat while eating tasty meals. Apart from people looking to shed pounds, the keto diet is indicated for children suffering from epilepsy as it reduces the frequency of epileptic seizures. Due to giving up foods rich in sugars, it is an ideal eating plan for diabetics and people with degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. The keto diet will also help people with autism, brain tumors or headaches.

Published by Kitchen Poland Catering Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Disadvantages and contraindications of the ketodiet

The fat diet is not for everyone. It should not be decided by people who suffer from diseases such as:

– chronic pancreatitis,
– liver disease,
– gallstones,
– kidney stones,
– organic acidosis,
– hypercholesterolemia.

It is important to perform morphological and biochemical blood tests before using the diet, thanks to which we can diagnose possible ailments from the above-mentioned organs. One of the disadvantages is to undergo the ketoadaptation described above. It takes great will and motivation to overcome the initial period of introducing the diet. It should also be noted that we will not start losing weight right away, because entering the state of ketosis is a process that takes time.

Some people may not like the strictness of the fat diet. Inadequate food intake and eating too many carbohydrates can bring the body out of ketosis and the process will have to be repeated.

Follow the diet with your head!

The ketogenic diet has many benefits and can help your body, but it can also seriously harm it. Remember to do your research and consult a specialist, doctor and dietician, who will help you implement the diet and make sure you don’t have any problems.

Featured Image: Freepik

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