An effective recipe for a slim face? Try these exercises!

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A full face is nothing to be ashamed of, of course, but for many women it’s a problem that keeps them up at night. If you still can’t lose weight on your face despite the slim figure you’ve built through hard workouts, we have some very simple ways to effectively remedy this!

There are several reasons for an excessively round face – genetic predisposition or obesity are among the most commonly cited by experts. However, a puffy face can also be caused by swelling, which usually results from a poor diet and water retention in the body. Therefore, those struggling with a similar problem are advised to perform a simple experiment. For a while, give up alcohol consumption, and replace products with high salt and sugar content with fruits and vegetables. It is also worth saying goodbye to red meat and fast food rich in fat. After a few weeks of following healthy eating habits we will be able to assess the effects on our own skin.

Proper food is only one side of the coin. The other side is an inseparable part of slimming in any edition, that is physical activity. If the area of our interest is a slim face, it is necessary to start with… the other parts of our body. During the weight loss process we lose fat tissue, which is also deposited on the face, so nothing can guarantee success more than regular exercise. Workouts do not have to be one hundred per cent professional – every woman can choose the discipline she feels best in. Popular activities such as swimming, running, cycling or even longer walks are perfect for this role.

With more avid sportswomen in mind, however, we have created a special set for the facial muscles consisting of three short exercises. The first series involves moving air from one cheek to the other, during the second series you need to articulate vowels, and the third series is nothing more than a well-known “peck. With regular performance of such workouts, we will firm the skin, smooth out wrinkles, reduce puffiness under the eyes, lift drooping cheeks, and double chin will be forgotten!

Featured Image: Freepik

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