The art of survival is no longer just the domain of men. What do women’s survival trips look like?

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Although one can, of course, argue with this statement, various types of survival trips are still seen as the domain of men. As it turns out, the art of survival is no stranger to the fair sex either, whose female representatives are increasingly willing to take part in demanding expeditions.

Survival – an art also for women!

In recent years, the difference between the number of men and women on survival trips has begun to increasingly blur. Suffice it to say that at this point the participation of the fair sex in training in survival techniques is estimated at… about 30 percent. You have to admit that this is a figure that can definitely be impressive – especially since this trend seems to be constantly increasing. The belief, popular over the years, that survival is an art primarily for men can therefore be safely put between fairy tales.

What will you learn in survival school?

Survival trips for women are designed to prepare female participants to deal with extreme situations in outdoor activities. Ladies, after completing the training in theory, are ready to face surprising and uncomfortable events that may lurk in everyday life. We are talking primarily about making good choices in dangerous situations such as a traffic accident, jamming in an elevator, or even… having to spend the night in the mountains during a snow blizzard. 

The survival trip will also certainly not be short of learning survival techniques, such as how to obtain fire despite adverse conditions, how to choose a place to obtain water, how to prepare water for drinking, how to prepare a shelter or methods of rescue signaling by day and night. In a nutshell, such training will equip you with the knowledge and skills to cope with the most difficult conditions and find a whole new confidence.

Survival – not just learning!

Contrary to appearances, a survival trip is not only hard work and learning, but also a great way to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and calm down in nature. During the weekend training, you’ll finally be able to forget about tall buildings or the sound of ever-rushing cars – peace and quiet are aspects of survivalism that any busy everyday person will appreciate. It is worth noting that trips are held at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions, so you can confidently choose the most suitable time of the year for you.

Survival – how to prepare?

It would seem that before a survival trip you are faced with huge purchases, on which you will spend a real fortune. Nothing could be further from the truth! Survival art training organizers usually provide all the necessary equipment, such as sleeping bags, carrimats, cups, chairs and cutlery. So it’s only up to you to make sure you are properly and comfortably dressed – you will certainly be informed about what things to bring when you register for the trip.

main photo: Goodwill

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