Tag - workout for beautiful shoulders

“Butterflies, pelicans, wings” – how to deal with the problem of sagging arms?
“Butterflies, pelicans, wings” – how to deal with the problem of sagging arms?

Want to strengthen your arm muscles and get rid of dangling butterflies? Find out which workout will give you the best results!

Sexy and firm arms – how to sculpt them?
Sexy and firm arms – how to sculpt them?

Are you dreaming of sexy arms? Learn the most effective exercises to achieve attractive upper muscles!

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Women’s strength training – facts and myths
Women’s strength training – facts and myths
Strength training helps improve fitness and shapes muscles. We present the facts and debunk the most popular myths about exercising in the gym.
Sidr Honey: The Perfect Addition to Your Winter Menu
Sidr Honey: The Perfect Addition to Your Winter Menu
Sidr honey (also known as Medjool) is one of the most popular kinds of honey in the world, due to its unique flavor and texture that results from its mountainous habitat. Sidr honey is produced by bees who feed on the nectar of the Sidr tree, which only grows in areas above 2000 meters in elevation.
In search of creative ways to workout. Tabata and plank are conquering Instagram!
In search of creative ways to workout. Tabata and plank are conquering Instagram!
Access to physical activity has been significantly reduced. Gyms and fitness clubs have been closed for several months, and recently […]