Tag - exercises for beginners YouTube

“Butterflies, pelicans, wings” – how to deal with the problem of sagging arms?
“Butterflies, pelicans, wings” – how to deal with the problem of sagging arms?

Want to strengthen your arm muscles and get rid of dangling butterflies? Find out which workout will give you the best results!

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Apathy and lack of motivation to exercise – how does the menstrual cycle affect training?
Do you feel an extreme aversion to working out during your period? Find out how exercise effectiveness is affected by your menstrual cycle.
Dumbbells for women – which type will work best for you?
Dumbbells for women – which type will work best for you?
If you want to slim and sculpt your arms, it's worth getting a sports accessory such as dumbbells for women. Check which ones are best for you!
Pilates during pregnancy – a way to keep fit and better prepare for childbirth
Pilates during pregnancy – a way to keep fit and better prepare for childbirth
Check out how a set of Pilates exercises strengthens muscles throughout the body, improves performance, and relaxes a sore body!