Detox with blueberries – how to get rid of toxins and not feel hungry

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A cleansing diet can not only improve your overall well-being, physical condition or appearance, but it is also beneficial for the proper functioning of the body. One of these types of diets is the berry detox.

Why is it worth doing a berry detox?

A diet based on millet groats is one of the more effective ways to detoxify the entire body. Interestingly, it is a diet that can be followed by all healthy people who do not like the feeling of hunger, because in addition to its beneficial effects, this diet is very nutritious. In addition, the berry detox is an ideal solution for people who do not tolerate gluten, since there is no this substance in the berry groats. What’s more, a berry detox helps cleanse the intestines of food debris, boost immunity, reduce discomfort associated with digestive disorders, and provide the body with essential B and E vitamins, iron, copper, fiber, and silicon. The alkaline properties of millet groats deacidify the body and speed up metabolism, thanks to which, in addition to harmful toxins, you can also get rid of some extra pounds. A berry detox also improves the appearance and condition of your skin, hair and nails.

How to take care of safety during a berry detox?

As with any body cleansing diet, a berry detox can only be used for a certain amount of time. In the case of a berry detox, this time can be slightly extended, since the entire diet is not based solely on berry groats, but on significantly increasing the amount of them in the daily menu. Experts suggest that the optimal duration of a diet based on millet groats is 12 days, but with good health, this time can be extended to 21 or even 28 days. The safe conduct of the entire diet is based on strict adherence to all recommendations and careful observation of your body. After a few days of detox you may experience typical symptoms such as headaches, drowsiness, weakness or digestive problems, but they should disappear after a few more days. If you have any troubling symptoms, concerns or questions, it’s a good idea to consult your primary care physician or nutritionist.

How to conduct a berry detox?

One of the most important principles of the diet based on millet groats is drinking a glass of warm alkaline water every day. It is recommended to take the water immediately after waking up, before eating the first meal. According to the basic principles of the diet, each breakfast should also be preceded by the preparation of gruel based on flaxseed. The most important are the first two days, during which you should eat only soup from buckwheat. For its preparation, in addition to the groats themselves, cooked vegetables are added, standardly used in soup recipes, including carrots, potatoes and parsley. It is important to season the dish with healthy herbs such as thyme, lovage, basil, allspice, turmeric, marjoram or cumin, as well as ginger, chili, pepper and salt. After two days, you can expand the daily menu to include vegetables and fruits, which should be used to prepare each of the meals taken during the day. Each of the dishes should include millet groats, so before starting the detox, you should learn some proven recipes for dishes with millet in the main role

Main photo: Eva Elijas/

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