Tag - PPM how to calculate

Metabolic age – what is it and how to calculate it? Use a simple formula!
Metabolic age – what is it and how to calculate it? Use a simple formula!

If you regularly do sports, eat a healthy diet and generally feel great every day, you are probably as healthy […]

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Does fatigue keep you up at night? Check how to remedy it!
Our life often moves at such a dizzying pace that at some point we can no longer keep up with […]
Muscle recovery after strength training – how long should it take and why is it so important?
Muscle recovery after strength training – how long should it take and why is it so important?
Post-workout break: how long should it last? All you need to do is make sure you give your muscles 48 to 72 hours of rest before you start doing the same exercises.
How to properly select a set of exercises for tabata training?
How to properly select a set of exercises for tabata training?
Four minutes of intense training is enough to achieve the desired results! Provided, of course, that you choose the right set of exercises.