Tag - for whom yoga

Tai Chi or yoga – which activity produces better results?
Tai Chi or yoga – which activity produces better results?

Tai Chi and yoga – two different activities that affect the body and fitness in a similar way. What are […]

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In a healthy body there is a healthy spirit! Key principles of a healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle is a very popular trend lately. We compete in more and more sophisticated ways of leading a healthy […]
How do you motivate yourself to exercise regularly?
How do you motivate yourself to exercise regularly?
Is it raining, are you in a bad mood and have a lot of work on your mind? Check out how to resist laziness and do your planned workout!
Looking for a new workout challenge? Start your adventure with trampoline!
Looking for a new workout challenge? Start your adventure with trampoline!
If standard cardio exercises don't impress you anymore, you might want to turn your attention to jumping fitness. Training on a trampoline gives a lot of benefits, therefore also world celebrities like to use it.