Tag - zumba exercises at home in polish

Merengue – a simple routine for beginner Zumba enthusiasts
Merengue – a simple routine for beginner Zumba enthusiasts

Learn some basic dance steps, create your own choreography and start your Zumba adventure!

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Sidr Honey: The Perfect Addition to Your Winter Menu
Sidr Honey: The Perfect Addition to Your Winter Menu
Sidr honey (also known as Medjool) is one of the most popular kinds of honey in the world, due to its unique flavor and texture that results from its mountainous habitat. Sidr honey is produced by bees who feed on the nectar of the Sidr tree, which only grows in areas above 2000 meters in elevation.
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Belly dance – feel like a Bollywood star!
Belly dance - try it out. You'll find it's worth it.
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