Post-workout routine – these habits should get into your blood!

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A solid workout can give our body a hard time, regardless of the level of sophistication. Therefore, it’s worth developing some simple post-workout habits that will help us increase the effectiveness of our exercises and take care of our own health. Here’s what you need to remember!


Just as it is important to remember to warm up before doing a workout, we should not forget another extremely important aspect after we have finished exercising – stretching. It’s an absolute must, which is often overlooked even by experienced sports enthusiasts. With solid stretching, our body will return to its pre-training state, which will minimize the risk of injury. Muscles stretch and relax best immediately after exercise, so there is no point in waiting – stretching must be in your post-workout routine!


Another extremely important aspect of a post-workout routine is the so-called cooldown. Like the stretching discussed earlier, it allows you to calm down and relax your muscles. An abrupt end to exercise can lead to a worse mood. So after an intense workout, it is worthwhile to take care of a moment of active relaxation. For example, after doing a fast run, slow down or march for a few minutes – this will allow your body to gradually get used to the lower intensity, and as a result, it will tolerate the end of the workout better.

Take a cold shower after your workout!

Of course, this is not about cooling down your own training ambitions, but a simple cold shower – the best method for recovery after a workout. Even a short cold shower can stimulate you to keep going, so you’ll be ready to face the next challenges. In addition, low-temperature water has a soothing effect on soreness and stimulates circulation, while flushing out post-workout bacteria from the body. It’s best not to delay with a cold shower too long after you’ve finished exercising, so it’s another element to include in your post-workout routine.

Value meals and hydration 

Healthy eating and hydration should accompany you on a daily basis, although it’s worth placing special emphasis on it immediately after exercise as well. Unfortunately, once and for all you need to forget about post-workout rewards in the form of fast food – such food only thwarts your athletic efforts. Up to 30 minutes after weight training it is good to eat a snack rich in simple carbohydrates, while up to 2 hours you should provide your body with the necessary portion of protein. The procedure after cardio training is similar. Regardless of the type of activity practiced, also remember to hydrate – not only after training, but also throughout the day!


For many people, training represents rest, but that doesn’t mean you should literally treat it as such. Even if after a workout you feel full of energy and ready for action, make sure to slow down at least for a while by indulging in quiet activities. Great choices include going for a walk, reading a book or spending time with family or friends. Physical activity is invaluable for health, but recovery is an equally important aspect of life! 

main photo: WEAVER | @LGNWVR

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