Tag - abdominal workout at home

How to properly perform the plank, or the popular “plank”?
How to properly perform the plank, or the popular “plank”?

Enhance your daily workout with a plank, get a flat stomach, and learn how to properly perform the popular “plank”!

In search of creative ways to workout. Tabata and plank are conquering Instagram!
In search of creative ways to workout. Tabata and plank are conquering Instagram!

Access to physical activity has been significantly reduced. Gyms and fitness clubs have been closed for several months, and recently […]

Take care of a strong back and stomach with Halle Berry!
Take care of a strong back and stomach with Halle Berry!

Avoiding routine is one of the cornerstones of effective yet enjoyable workout sessions. Halle Berry knows it, and she is […]

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